Old Sun Community College

Old Sun Community College, formerly Old Sun Indian Residential School, operates on the Siksika Nation in Southwestern Alberta. Click the Timeline button for a brief history of this school.


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Exterior of Old Sun Community College

Old Sun Indian Residential School operated between 1929 and 1971. It has since been transformed into a culturally based post-secondary institution that off …

Old Sun Community College First Floor

The First Floor/Basement of Old Sun Community College (OSCC). Click on the triangle to load the point cloud. Labels on the point cloud indicate past room f …

Old Sun Community College Second Floor

The Second Floor of Old Sun Community College (OSCC). Click on the triangle to load the point cloud. Labels on the point cloud indicate past room functions …

Old Sun Community College Third Floor

The Third Floor of Old Sun Community College (OSCC). Click on the triangle to load the point cloud. Labels on the point cloud indicate past room functions …

Old Sun Community College Fourth Floor

The Fourth Floor of Old Sun Community College (OSCC). Click on the triangle to load the point cloud. Labels on the point cloud indicate past room functions …

Old Sun Annex

The Annex at Old Sun Community College. This Area of the School Presently Contains Various Administrative Offices. It Originally Served as the Priest’s Pri …

Old Sun Boiler Room

The boiler room and former coal shoot at Old Sun Community College. This large space continues to house the utilities used to heat this large masonry build …

Old Sun Junior Dormitories

This computer reconstruction approximates how the Junior Girls Dormitory at Old Sun Indian Residential School would have appeared. The reconstruction was c …

Old Sun Chapel

This computer reconstruction approximates how the chapel at Old Sun would have appeared at Old Sun Indian Residential School. It was created using historic …

Old Sun Classroom

This computer reconstruction approximates how classrooms at Old Sun Indian Residential school would have appeared. This reconstruction was created using hi …