Old Sun Annex
The Annex at Old Sun Community College. This Area of the School Presently Contains Various Administrative Offices. It Originally Served as the Priest’s Primary Residence During the Time that Old Sun Functioned as an Indian Residential School.
“It has been strongly impressed upon myself, as head of the Department, that Indian children should be withdrawn as much as possible from the parental influence, and the only way to do that would be to put them in central training industrial schools where they will acquire the habits and modes of thought of white men.” – Sir John A. MacDonald, 1879
The Minister’s Quarter’s
The annex at Old Sun Community College is currently used as a meeting space for staff. The main floor has a private office, an office with board room, and a small kitchen area. Upstairs, there are three offices, a bathroom, and an additional room. The annex’s half basement is used for storage.
When Old Sun operated as a residential school, the annex served as accommodation for the minister, who was also principal of the school, and his family. The kitchen and boardroom functioned as a private kitchen and formal dining area where the minister could entertain guests. The rooms upstairs served as bedrooms. Students at the school were not generally allowed access to the annex, except when brought there specifically by the minister.
For the creation of this archive, many of the survivors returned to Old Sun to share their memories, and were interviewed in the boardroom which used to be the dining room for these quarters. For many survivors, it takes great strength and resilience to return to the school and revisit their memories.
Use the arrow keys (left, right, up, down) or left click and drag your mouse around the screen to view different areas of each room. If you have a touch screen, simply drag your finger across the screen.
This gallery contains modern day and archival images of the annex of Old Sun. If you have photos of the annex that you would like to submit to this archive, please contact us at irsdocumentationproject@gmail.com.

![Old Sun School, annex to the right with separate entrance visible. [193-?]. P75-103-S7-188 from the General Synod Archives, Anglican Church of Canada.](https://irs.preserve.ucalgary.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/P75-103-S7-188.jpeg)

![Old Sun School, annex to the right.[193-?] P7538-1022 from the General Synod Archives, Anglican Church of Canada](https://irs.preserve.ucalgary.ca/wp-content/uploads/P7538-1022.jpeg)

Yvonne Stimson- Chasing a Ghost
Another time, we got haunted. It was Sunday. We had those… what they called choir. It wasn’t time for church and we were told to wait outside. This graveyard wasn’t there yet, where they put us. There we saw a someone all dressed in black. We all ran to the fence; we were yelling loudly and waving. It would stop and start… We finally noticed, it wasn’t touching the ground, it was floating. My younger sister, Lorraine and another one, I think it was Rose Mary, chased it. Over here, what they call four houses, he ran in the midst of there. When they ran there, there was girl outside, chopping wood. They said to her, they asked her, “did you see someone run through here?” “No there wasn’t.”
Here it was a ghost what they chasing.
– Yvonne Stimson (Pretty Beaver Woman)
Oral interview with Yvonne Stimson (Pretty Beaver Woman). Conducted, translated, and transcribed by Gwendora Bear Chief. Old Sun Community College, March 30, 2022.

Explore Floors and Rooms

Old Sun Classroom
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Old Sun Chapel
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Old Sun Junior Dormitories
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Old Sun Boiler Room
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Old Sun Community College Fourth Floor
The Fourth Floor of Old Sun Community College (OSC…
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Old Sun Community College Third Floor
The Third Floor of Old Sun Community College (OSCC…
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Old Sun Community College Second Floor
The Second Floor of Old Sun Community College (OSC…
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Old Sun Community College First Floor
The First Floor/Basement of Old Sun Community Coll…
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Exterior of Old Sun Community College
Old Sun Indian Residential School operated between…
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