Old Sun Community College Second Floor
The Second Floor of Old Sun Community College (OSCC). Click on the triangle to load the point cloud. Labels on the point cloud indicate past room functions during Old Sun’s time as a residential school. Important Areas Include Four Large Classrooms and the Chapel.
“Their education must consist not merely of training of the mind, but of a weaning from the habits and feelings of their ancestors, and the acquirements of the language, art and customs of civilized life.” – Egerton Ryerson, 1847 Report for Indian Affairs
The second floor of the college is now used for administrative and operational functions of the institution. Many of the smaller rooms on this floor are used as offices for current staff, including the main office for the college, the registrars’ office, and the presidents’ office. The southernmost side of this floor features two classrooms, while the northern side has the classroom for the computer lab. This end of the building connects with the converted annex, which now has multiple staff offices, a kitchen, and a boardroom. Towards the back end of the main floor is the college library which used to be the former chapel. The chapel now functions as a library and is one of many examples of transformational resilience in the building. The apse which is a standard part of any church plan, for example, currently houses the Siksika Story Robe Winter Count, which was commissioned to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the college. The library also has an Indigenous focused literary collection for use in the college, along with computer stations, and an entrance decorated with student artwork and archival photos of Siksika Nation members.
When Old Sun operated as a residential school, this central wing of the main floor contained the chapel. The mid-section of the floor served both as offices for the administration of the school and included the principal’s office. The south side contained two classrooms where students divided by age would attend a variety of basic lessons. The classrooms themselves used to be separated by a short hallway leading out to a building that was once attached to the south side of the school. This building which no longer stands had additional classrooms, offices, and staff residences. The north end of the first floor contained classrooms for grades 3 and 4, as well as the annex/former Anglican minister’s quarters. The minister was also the principal of the school. This building was added to the original school building and once contained a living area, kitchen, dining room, as well as several bedrooms on its second floor. The annex was home to the minister, his family, and invited guests.
Old Sun Chapel: “A Room for Prayer and Abuse”
Situated architecturally in the middle of the school, the children would be brought into the chapel from their separate playrooms (boys and girls). Once the bell alerting them that it was time to attend chapel had sounded, the children would file into their respective sides of the church and stand while the minister entered with the choir behind him. Students were required to pray before each meal and attend service in the chapel every morning before classes, and every evening after dinner, as well as kneel and pray before bedtime. When chapel services were open to the community, children would file in first, followed by parents and other family members who would enter the chapel and sit on the men and women sides. Children attending the school were not allowed to speak with or even look at family members. When recalling her experience in the chapel, survivor Gwendora Bear Chief said “it was a room for prayers and abuse.”
Left click and drag your mouse around the screen to view different areas of each room. If you have a touch screen, simply drag your finger across the screen. Your keyboard's arrow keys can also be used. Travel to different areas of the second floor by clicking on the floating arrows.
This image gallery shows historic and modern photos of Old Sun College's second floor. Click on photos to expand and read their captions. If you have photos of the second floor at Old Sun that you would like to submit to this archive, please contact us at irsdocumentationproject@gmail.com.
Laser scanning data can be used to create “as built” architectural plans which can support repair and restoration work to Old Sun Community College. This plan was created using Autodesk Revit and forms part of a larger building information model (BIM) of the school. The Revit drawings and laser scanning data for this school are securely archived with access controlled by the Old Sun Advisory Committee.
Some of the threats faced by Indigenous students attending residential schools came from the buildings themselves. The architectural plans contained in this archive, which have been constructed using the laser scanning data, illustrate how poorly these schools were designed from a safety perspective. There were three specific areas that placed the health and safety of students at great risk: Fire Hazards and Protection Measures; Water Quality, and Sanitation and Hygiene. As you explore the archive, you will find more information about the nature of these hazards and their impact on students.
Ernest Barry Yellow Fly- Rappelled Down the Window
Hello I am Niimistostima, my white name is Ernest Barry Yellow Fly. I am going to tell a story of those that went to residential school, of what happened. I am going to tell the story of those who snuck out. I am first going to say is that we were abused, when we went to residential school. I am going to talk about the junior boy’s dorm, I am going to say it in English. How we were treated so badly some wanted to sneak out and ok this… it was night, late afternoon. These boys were saying they were going to sneak out, they were lonely, some of them wanted to go home. There they were, they started tying blankets together, then they rappelled down the window. Then they each rappelled down. They got caught, this teacher saw them, he worked at night. Then they ran away. They were brought back one by one, I don’t know if they got strapped. The reason I told this story is because it was not very good when we went to school. There was a lot that wanted to go home or sneak away. They got into trouble if they snuck away. So, this is one story I talked about.
Okay, here is another one, we weren’t fed properly when we went to school, the same, junior boy’s dorm. Some used to sneak out, they snuck to the kitchen. They scrounged around for food stuff, they would come back upstairs and feed each of us, that’s how we got treated bad they wouldn’t feed us properly but the teachers and workers, they ate good. We all saw how they ate. For us, our food was meager. So that’s why some went to get stuff to eat. They got stuff from the kitchen and came back upstairs; they would ration out the food to us. Another one, this is where I end my story.
–Niimistostima, Ernest Barry Yellow Fly
Oral interview with Niimistostima, Ernest Barry Yellow Fly. Conducted, translated, and transcribed by Gwendora Bear Chief. Old Sun Community College, June 1, 2022.
Featured Image: The new Blackfoot school from the rear. – [193-?]. M55-01-P52 from The General Synod Archives, Anglican Church of Canada.