The Indian Residential School (IRS) system has left a legacy of trauma and cultural disconnect that continues to impact Indigenous communities throughout Canada. Several of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action (78ii; 82; 83) address the need to preserve and commemorate former IRS sites. However, only a small number of schools and associated buildings remain standing today. This community-guided project uses digital technology to document three former IRS buildings in Alberta. *Please note: the information contained in this archive may be triggering to some users. Please seek support if needed. Some sources of support include: Indian Residential School Survivors and Family, 1-800-721-0066; National Indian Residential School Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419*.

Old Sun Community College

Old Sun Community College, formerly Old Sun Indian Residential School, operates on the Siksika Nation in Southwestern Alberta. Click here to explore the digital captures and history of this building.

Poundmaker’s Lodge Carriage House

The carriage house structure at Poundmaker's Lodge is the only still standing portion of the former Edmonton Indian Residential school, which operated in St. Albert. Click here to explore the digital captures and history of this building.

University nuhelot’įne thaiyots’į nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills

University nuhelot’įne thaiyots’į nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills, formerly Blue Quills Indian Residential school, operates near St. Paul and is governed by seven First Nations (Beaver Lake Cree Nation, Cold Lake First Nation, Frog Lake Cree Nation, Whitefish Lake First Nation, Heart Lake First Nation, Kehewin Cree Nation, and Saddle Lake Cree Nation, plus one Elder from the Saddle Lake First Nation). Click here to explore the digital captures and history of this building.