Donna Axe Running Rabbit- I Just Pushed Him
I am going talk about the second floor, there used to be like a clinic. When we were not feeling well, we were sent there. And I got hurt on my knee, a girl/lady I was talking about, her name was Miss Nash. She asked if I wanted to go see of course… him, Mr. Brown I had to see him.
I was sent in there and they seated me on the counter. Mr. Brown asked me “what is wrong with you? I replied “I hurt my knee, I think I slipped on my knee on the rocks.” He was cleaning it and all but I noticed something about him… on my thigh, he started to hold on to me. And I just pushed him and I jumped off and ran out.
And then I told that Miss Nash what had happened in there, and she was just looking at me as if… it seemed like she couldn’t really do anything because that Mr. Brown was already standing outside of that office, the door. But anyways…
Ah, I couldn’t really speak Blackfoot here, I had to just speak English. But when when I’m alone with Jennie we always spoke Blackfoot. Yeah and even, and I didn’t understand why, her, Annie she was getting mad at us over that too, you know because she was Native person too. Her, Annie Maguire, and she was the Supervisor. She would get mad at us, to not to speak Blackfoot.
So that is it.
– Donna Axe Running Rabbit
Oral interview with Donna Axe Running Rabbit. Conducted, translated, and transcribed by Angeline Ayoungman. Old Sun Community College, April 4, 2022.